The public SDK for RIPE Coreopen in new window written in vanilla ECMAScript v6.


When using RIPE SDK in a web context, include it via a <script> tag, such as:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" />

When using RIPE SDK in a NPM compatible context, use as such:

npm install --save ripe-sdk

If using the configurator include the needed CSS tag, such as:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


As a starting point, you need to provide the brand and model of your customizable product. You may also pass an options map to override parameters like the base url of the server where the product is configured, as well as other options.

window.ripeInstance = new Ripe({
    url: ""

Binding a configurator

To provide an interactive product visualization you simply need to pass a <div> element to the method bindConfigurator. Subscribe to the event loaded and you will know when your configurator is loaded.

        width: 400,
        height: 400,
        type: "csr",

Load configuration

await ripeInstance.config(brand, model, ripeOptions );
await window.ripeInstance.isReady();

Set model initials

ripeInstance.trigger('initials', "My initials here", null, {});

Sandbox examples

Dummy Cube

Dior Book Tote



backgroundColorstringRGB format color value of the background ( no need to pass the "#" signal ). No background by default. Example: "cccccc".
countrystringTwo letters standard country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. "US" by default. Example: "PT".
currencystringStandard currency codes defined in ISO 4217 codes. "USD" by default. Example: "EUR".
framesarray of stringsAll the frames to be used in the customization. Example: ["top", "bottom", "1", "2"].
formatstringOne of the valid image formats: 'lossless', 'lossful', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'sgi' or 'png'. "null" by default.
maskDurationnumberSpecifies how many milliseconds the mask animation takes to complete. 150 by default.
maskOpacitynumberSpecifies the opacity value of the the masks used to highlight/select parts. 0.4 by default.
maxSizenumberMaximum value for frame image size. 1000px by default.
noCombinationsbooleanDefines if the combinations are loaded or not. False (loading) by default.
noDefaultsbooleanDefines if the defaults are loaded or not. False (loading) by default.
noMasksbooleanUsed to negate the useMasks option.
noPricebooleanUsed to negate the usePrice option.
partsJSON ObjectDefines the product initial parts. Each key is a part's name built with color and material information. Example: var parts = { "sole": { "material": "nappa", "color": "white" }, ... }.
remoteCallsbooleanActivates the remote calls functionality executed by several workflows. True by default.
remoteOnConfigbooleanActivates the remote execution of the model's logic on config updates. True by default.
remoteOnPartbooleanActivates the remote execution of the model's logic on parts updates. True by default.
remoteOnInitialsbooleanActivates the remote execution of the model's logic on initials updates. True by default.
sensitivitystringDefines the degree of sensitivity of the dragging interaction. 40 by default.
sizenumberInitial size value of a frame image that is going to be composed. By default it's 1000px.
urlstringThe base url of the server where the product is configured.
variantstringVariant of the customizable product.
versionstringThe version of the build of the customizable product.
useChainbooleanDetermines if a chain based loading should be used for the pre-loading process of the various image resources to be loaded. False by default.
useMasksbooleanEnables masks on selection/highlight. True by default.
usePricebooleanEnables the fetch price feature every time a new part is set. True by default.
useSyncbooleanEnables the part synchronization feature. False by default.
useInitialsBuilderLogicbooleanEnables the usage of the client-side initials builder logic defined in the 3DB, instead of the default one. True by default.

Browser Support


  • ≥ Chrome v23 (V8)
  • ≥ Firefox v21 (SpiderMonkey)
  • ≥ Safari v6 (Nitro)


  • ≥ Android 4.4
  • ≥ iOS's WebKit 9


RIPE SDK is currently licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0open in new window.